Release 19 has a few great additions to the auditing capabilities in Engagement Cloud. So I started documenting them and then realized I actually never discussed auditing before! So let me first cover the basics, before discussing the new features.

Auditing has been part of Engagement Cloud since forever. It does exactly what you would expect it would do: keep track of what changes were made by whom (even when impersonating others) at what moment in time and provide capabilities to analyze that information.

Configure Auditing

Configuring the Engagement Cloud audit functionality is very easy. This will make it tempting to activate auditing on a lot of data objects. I would advise enabling auditing only where it is really needed. I dare not imagine what effects it would have on performance if it was enabled on every data object and every data object attribute 🙂

In order to configure auditing, as an administrator, choose ‘Setup & Maintenance’ from the menu and search for the task ‘Manage Audit Policies’.

This task allows us first to activate or deactivate audit policies by setting the audit level to:

  • Auditing to activate
  • None to deactivate
Auditing Activation

Furthermore, business objects can be configured to specify what data objects and attributes need to be audited. The screenshot below shows how I configured policies to track changes on the opportunity and opportunity revenue object (left side of the screen) for their most import attributes (right side of the screen).

Auditing Configuration

More information on configuring auditing can be found here.

Audit Reports

Once auditing has been activated and configured, Audit Reports allows us to search and browse the captured audit data. ‘Audit Reports’ is available directly from the Engagement Cloud menu.

Auditing Reporting

It is not easy to analyze audit data when it has been activated for a lot of data objects, but I hope my next 2 blog posts show how some recent enhancements will make it a lot easier to keep up with all data changes. Stay tuned!

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