Nothing is as frustrating as working on an opportunity and not getting the credits for it once the opportunity has been won.  Oracle Sales Cloud allows you per opportunity, per revenue line actually, to register who should these sales credits.  It is important for all participants to know who will be credited for how much once an opportunity is won.

This information is used downstream in the opportunity management process, in order to reflect opportunities correctly in the pipeline and in the forecast, and as input for incentive compensation calculations.

Sales Credits

You actually do not have to drill into the sales credit details screen, just hovering over the icon shows for every revenue line a little preview.

Sales Credits Preview

Oracle Sales Cloud allows you to add revenue and overlay sales credits.

Revenue Sales Credits

Revenue sales credits can be assigned to salesrep as long as the total percentage adds up to 100.

When a revenue line is added to an opportunity, the salesrep who added the revenue line will automatically receive 100% of the sales credits.

Revenue Sales Credits

Overlay Sales Credits

Overlay sales credits can be assigned to salesrep also, but here the total percentage does not have to add up to 100.

Choosing the right allocation style is important as it determines how changes in the opportunity revenue line are affecting the existing sales credits:

  • Proportional to Revenue style credits will automatically be adjusted to changes in the revenue amount on the related revenue line.  When a revenue amount changes, the linked overlay credits, just like the revenue credits, will be recalculated according to the defined percentage and the new revenue amount.
  • Ad-Hoc Amounts style credits will not adjust to changes in the revenue line amount, as the credits are defined by the amount.  The revenue changes do not change the credit amount, as the percentage will be recalculated to reflect how the amount now compares to the change revenue line amount.

Overlay Sales Credits

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