The Oracle BI engine complementing Oracle Sales Cloud is a very powerful solution to create reports and dashboard.

These reports can contain a lot of data and details, or can provide analysis by aggregating data:

  • For data analysts, report, with lots of data, lots of columns and rows are ideal
  • For salesreps, more intuitive, less detailed, aggregated analysis are typically more suited

Oracle Sales Cloud allows you to change between 2 styles of reports in a few clicks in order to optimize the report for lots of details, or more high level analysis.

It is all about finding a balance
between optimizing the amount of screen layout there is to show a report on,
and the user experience you are trying to achieve for your expected audience.

How to switch between styles

Once your report is created, save it in a shared folder so you can place it on a dashboard.  The example below is a high level aggregated report.  The current style is the one for very detailed reports as can be seen by the small font size and the small margins in between rows.


Create a dashboard and place the report your created on it.  Now open the dashboard properties.


Amongst the dashboard properties, there is an option to choose a style for the dashboard.  These styles have intriguing names but I have no idea why they were named like this 🙂

  • ‘Skyros’ is the style for detailed, large and long reports
  • ‘Fuse’ is the style for high level more aggregated reports



Switch the style to fuse and run the report.  In only a few clicks the report looks completely different and matches the Simplified UI that salesreps are using.


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