1. Workspace Advanced Search
  2. Smartlists
  3. Advanced Share
  4. Additional Actionable Infolets
  5. Previous and Next buttons

I shared in previous posts how workspace supports multitasking by allowing us to open multiple records as tabs. So why would we then need previous and next buttons?

Multitasking is an optional implementation choice. Workspace can be implemented in a more classic way also, where only one record at a time can be opened. If so, the latest workspace enhancement allows us to go through the workspace search results one by one. Let me show you how that would work.

Previous and next buttons

Searching workspace would not be different than when multitasking would be enabled. You search, refine your search, sort your search until you are happy with what you have found.

workspace search results

Then you open up the first result record, do what you have to do, and use the next button to navigate to the next record! You can run through all search results without ever having to navigate back to the workspace search results. Just click ‘Next’, ‘Next’, and ‘Next’, and maaaybe ‘Previous’, just to see what it would do 😉

Previous and next buttons

Easy no? Give it a try and let me know what you think!

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