1. Workspace Advanced Search
  2. Smartlists
  3. Advanced Share
  4. Additional Actionable Infolets
  5. Previous and Next buttons

Over the past few months, I have dedicated quite a few posts to Workspace and how it is changing dramatically the CX Sales User Experience. Multitasking was an amazing step forward, while actionable infolets brought this experience to the homepage. And just last week I described the amazing new advanced search capabilities in Workspace.

Nevertheless, the easiest search is the one you do not have to perform right? Why search in Workspace if CX Sales already knows what you are working on. Imagine automatically being presented with what you are most likely to be working on. That is what Smartlists are all about.


Smartlist will use a combination of what will be happening soon and what you have been working on lately to predict what you most likely will want to access.


Smartlists are always watching when you perform actions within the CX Sales 🙂

Smartlist powered Actionable Infolets

But why navigate to Workspace when you can have the Smartlists on the homepage? Yes indeed, the actionable infolets can make the Smartlists available the moment a user logs on.

With this, most of the information a salesrep needs access to on any given day is available on the homepage, ready to be used. Amazing no?

Smartlist powered Actionable Infolets

Do not hesitate to share how you experience and benefit from Smartlists. Always interested in hearing back on how these enhancements are being implemented and used!

PS: For smart lists to work, make sure the background process ‘Generate Relevancy Feed’ is scheduled.

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2 thoughts on “Smartlists

  1. Kevin Smith


    1. Edward Dewolf

      Thank you!

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