The report I recently created to visualize a timeline of events as they happened over time with a specific account has received a lot of attention.  I got a few question on how to best go about embedding this report.  This report was actually a dashboard with a hidden dashboard prompt. But the process for embedding a report or a dashboard is identical.

Let me walk you through the simple 4 or 5 step process for embedding a report or a dashboard.

1) Make the dashboard available for embedding

Dashboards that are saved as personal content cannot be embedded in Engagement Cloud.  Save or import the dashboard you want to embed under ‘Shared Folders’.

embedding shared folders

2) Enable an empty Analytics page

In Engagement Cloud, when in a sandbox, open App Composer.  On the object detail page where you want to embed the dashboard, add one of the available out-of-the-box Analytics pages.  Also reorder the side tabs to position the Analytics page where you would like it to appear.

embedding add analytics page

Still inside App Composer, navigate to the Analytics page you just enabled.  Rename the analytics page to bring it inline with the content of the dashboard you want to embed.

embedding rename analytics page

3) Embed the dashboard

Back in the application, but still in the same sandbox, open up page composer for the role for which you want to embed the dashboard.  Navigate to the enabled Analytics side tab you added.

Click on the ‘Add Content’ button, navigate to where you saved the dashboard and add the dashboard.

embedding a report or a dashboard

Once embedded, resize the dashboard a bit. If possible, resize the dashboard till it no longer generates a scrollbar.

4) Pass parameters to the dashboard

Once the dashboard has been embedded, click on the ‘Parameters’ button.  The available dashboard prompt parameters will be listed and you can provide values to them.  These can be hard coded or you can use one of the available session parameters listed here

embedding parameters

5) Style the embedded dashboard (optional)

Embedded dashboard will show with a header bar repeating their title.  But the sidetab already displays a title so I like to hide the header bar.

embedding hide header

Once all steps are completed, and you tested the dashboard, just leave page composer and publish your sandbox and the embedded dashboard should become available for all your users !

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