1. Universal Sandbox
  2. Parallel Development
  3. Workspace
  4. Smart Data
  5. In Context Audit
  6. Multitasking
  7. Measuring User Adoption
  8. Global Search
  9. Accounts Actionable Infolet

Over the last few weeks, I wrote a few posts on auditing capabilities in Engagement Cloud already, and how those could be contextualized. Those were focused on auditing data changes. But what about auditing user activities? A while ago I touched upon the subject for the first time. But measuring user adoption has become a lot easier with Release 19 thanks to some new reporting capabilities.

Measuring User Adoption

Engagement Cloud BI (OTBI) now has 2 dedicated Subject Areas for measuring user adoption.

Sales – CRM Resource System Usage

This subject area allows us to analyze user logon behavior. Ideal to find out who is logging on and how often (or not), and whether that is happening through the Web UX, the Mobile UX or through Outlook365.

Sales – CRM Object Activity

Object activity adds another level when measuring user adoption as it allows to analyze who has been creating or updating any types of record, from accounts to contacts, to leads to opportunities and more.

In order to OTBI to access the audit data, make sure the ‘Refresh BI Reports Audit Data for User Adoption Reporting‘ process has been scheduled.

Try it out

I tried to create a few reports for you to try, but someone else did that already and it for those that do not use Oracle Cloud Customer Connect yet, this is a great opportunity to go and have a look.

You will find there a dedicated topic to these new capabilities and an example set of reports you can download and install yourself. A great way to get you started!

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